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Friday, February 5th, 2010
The silence is green, and suddenly
my fertile heart, slowly
acclimating to natural things,
dresses up with green leaves of desire.
Memories of the forest and rain
spring up with their clandestine breath,
and I feel, once again, in my throat
an ardor of jasmine and blood.
Irrepressible, my heart evokes
glances faithful to pure love,
kisses to the embrace of night,
caresses that gave peace to my soul.
But, where are now her eyes,
her lips, her soft pure hands?.

Saturday, February 6th, 2010
Woman, you break into my thoughts
like waves break on the beaches,
suddenly infiltrate my sand
and return to the sea again.
You are like a headstrong surge,
a constant swirling of the waters
where my heart drowns,
counting your body wave by wave.
You know that I will return,
but you don’t know your name.
as you don’t know I remember your kisses.
Perhaps, one day, when your skin
destroys this castle of absence
I will open to you the plot of my eyes.

Sunday, February 7th, 2010
Today I wrote to various friends
and I did not tell them about the series
of vicissitudes I have gone through
(they are more than they can imagine).
In my letters, I let them know
that this cell, with nothing and nobody,
is for me a place of retreat
where I free myself from my chains.
This hole, like other holes in my life,
I fill, without hurry, with light
for from its depth flourishes
a radiance that transforms my heart
into a fountain of love,
such love, with which I write everybody.
Monday, February 8th, 2010

Last night, when a gloomy silence,
like a mantle of darkness,
covered me, and uncertainty
with its crude blizzards intoxicated me,
love provoked a jab
in the fiber of my heart,
twinges of perpetual absences.
I kept awake for a long time.
Last night, facing solitude
resonant of yestedays, I told myself:
All the restlessness of my life
has cleared a long path
by which the dangers of death
cannot spoil the light.

Tuesday, february 9th, 2010

In my solitude I say your name
and its letters are a new born sun
between morning clouds
where flowers open their splendor.
When I walk, I say your name in those corners
that the thoughts create and destroy,
and in my soliloquy with your name
I do not see defferences between light and shadow.
I say your name when nobody can hear me,
with a voice of intimate emotion
that barely stirs the air and the silence.
To the questions of the firmament
I answer lifting up my head as high as
the eternity of your name.
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Sure in the midst of the storm,
I imagine myself walking through the world,
as if together with me were wlaking,
shoulder to shoulder, invincible arms.
Many othe acy nights
with dark winds will pass
unable to dispel the dawn
of the final day of the injustice.
Brothers and sisters in the struggle:
Our solidarity multiplies
like leaves in springtime.
You will deliver us victory.
You will be with us
on the great day of our return.

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

From my childhood of home and school,
in my youth from palce to place,
during all my life and even in my dreams
you have inhabited my heart.
Island sun that offers everyone
palms and beaches, birds and fruits,
a burning summer that I love,
a free tree in the countryside,
you are always ready to care for
the indispensable flower of hope,
you encourage peace within me.
Your love impels me, your love fills me
with light, Oh, motherland!
Our return and your kiss that waits for us, will come.

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Crossing the heart of the deep blue,
confused by the concealed route,
but accompanied by
casual and certain hopes,
I look at the silent geography
submerged into the brillance of snow,
territory of the undefined,
mirage of freedom.
I am tired, but I do not give up.
I have wounds, but I do not bleed.
So much fatigue, so much pain
I calm down with the love of my dreams
made from invincible matter


Aquí estoy arriesgando estos versos
valerosos, leales y risueños,
partos de los intrépidos sentidos,
conceptos engendrados por los sueños,

voces del alma, más que del talento,
que representan una llamarada,
testamentos, secuelas del momento,
tan sólo para el fin de una jornada.

Versos con esta sombra de nostalgia,
con este arraigo nómada y activo,
con esta ausencia sin ella, ni ruidos,

con todo este coraje y esta magia,
con todo este privilegio vivo,
con más amor que libertad nacidos.

Tómalos si te sirven,
para cruzar el mar
o algún abismo.
Guárdalos, si tú quieres,
en el centro de ti mismo.


Hay cosas especiales en la vida
que nos hacen sentir gran emoción:
algún comienzo, alguna despedida,
un nuevo amigo, una dulce canción.

A veces escoger la preferida,
la deseada con más ilusión,
es difícil, pues en cierta medida
todas tocan profundo el corazón.

Pero si fuera yo seleccionado
a decidir en esta situación,
pensaría en lo que más he amado,

aquello que merece más amor
y te diría sin vacilación:
el beso de la patria es lo mejor.
27 de junio de 1999


qué será del amor y el sol de las once
y el crepúsculo triste sin causa valedera?

Haremos ver que somos un camino
atravesando sombras de los nuestros,
que somos una sierra y una estrella
con definidos rasgos y conceptos.

Haremos ver que somos invencibles,
que siempre saldrá el sol para el valiente
no importa que lo acechen, que lo encierren,
que le dejen la piel sin otras pieles.

Haremos ver que en las duras contiendas
de conciencia a poder y viceversa
nunca vacilará nuestra firmeza,

porque es el amor nuestra obra maestra
y hasta la muerte se llena de vida
cuando se tiene causa valedera.
8 de diciembre de 1999


Déjame que te hable con mi sana memoria,
terca como la brisa, dócil como una flor.
Claro como un arroyo, turbio como una ola,
déjame que te cuente esta historia de amor.

Ella me dio sus manos, su silencio más fino,
su más irresistible y lánguida mirada.
Yo le di mi lenguaje, mi baile, una sonrisa,
una canción, un árbol, todo fue casi nada.

Ella vino despacio, limpia, inmensa, desnuda
y me ofreció su vientre de tierra lisa y pura.
Yo le mojé los labios con un ansia de lluvia
y le sembré raíces en toda su cintura.

Ella curó mis llagas, yo la cubrí de cielos.
Ella descubrió el alba, yo anduve sin remedio.
Ella fue la culpable de este amor sin reverso
y estos son de su ayer mis más recientes versos.
23 de enero de 2000


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