Goodbye to our Friend Lucius Walker
End the Injustice, Freedom Now!
Autumn 2010: One United Family against Terrorism and for Justice
Toronto Forum on Cuba
September 12, 11am
12 years of injustice Free the Cuban Five
Oise Auditorium
252 Bloor St. W (St George Subway Station)
Join us welcoming Rafael Cancel Miranda
Jorge F. Soberón
Organized by Toronto Forum on Cuba
Windhoek, Namibia
Sept. 9, 2010, 12:30pm
Handing of a Petition to the American embassy
Location: Starting from Kudu, Independence avenue to US Embassy
The Namibia/Cuba Friendship Association will hand in a petition to the American Embassy regarding the unjust imprisonment of the Cuban Five, demanding their immediate release.
Sponsor: Namibia/Cuba Friendship Association
Contact: [email protected]
Lima, Peru,
Septiembre 9, 2010
Jornada Mundial de Solidaridad con Los Cinco
Hora: 12:00 pm
Lugar: Ante la embajada USA en Lima
Sponsor: Comité Peruano de Solidaridad con Los Cinco
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sept. 10, 2010, 7pm
Jornada Mundial de Solidaridad con Los Cinco
Lugar: UTPBA, Av. de Mayo 1209, piso 1º A, Ciudad Autónoma, Buenos Aires
La Embajada de la República de Cuba y el Comité Argentino por la Libertad de Los Cinco convocan al lanzamiento del libro: "Los héroes prohibidos: la historia no contada de los Cinco" de Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada
Panel integrado por: Stella Calloni, escritora y periodista; Juan Carlos Camaño, presidente de la Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas (FELAP); Lidia Donnini, miembro del Comité Argentino por la Libertad de los Cinco; Vladimir Mirabal, segundo jefe de la Misión Diplomática de Cuba en Argentina; Movimiento Cultural "Acercándonos"
Sponsor: Comité Argentino por la Libertad de Los Cinco
Montevideo, Uruguay
Sept. 10, 2010, 7pm
Marcha por los Cinco
Lugar: Desde la Explanada de la Municipalidad de Montevideo, por la Avenida 18 de Julio hasta la Plaza Libertad
Sponsor: la Coordinación Uruguay por la Libertad de los 5 Cubanos presos en EE.UU.
Endorsers: ACRU Asociación de Cubanos residentes en Uruguay - Casa de la Cultura Amistad Uruguay Cuba. - COJUPE Coordinadora de Jubilados y Pensionistas ˆ Comisión Cordón Norte - Comité de Los Cinco de Paysandú - Comité Uruguayo Pro-Liberación de Los Cinco Patriotas Cubanos Presos en EE.UU. - CONFABUC Familiares de Becados uruguayos en Cuba. - Coordinación Hasta la Victoria. - Coordinadora de Apoyo a la Revolución Cubana. - Coordinadora Continental Bolivariana (Uruguay) ˆ CRYSOL Asociación de ex Presos Políticos de Uruguay ˆ FEUU Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios del Uruguay ˆ FUCVAM Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua - Grupo de trabajo Plaza CHE ˆ ONAJPU Organización Nacional de Asociaciones de Jubilados y Pensionistas de Uruguay ˆ PIT-CNT Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores, Convención Nacional de Trabajadores ˆ UMU Unión de Mujeres Uruguayas.
Contacto: [email protected]
Sept. 10, 2010, 9am
Delegación a la embajada EE.UU.
Lugar: Embajada de Estados Unidos
Una delegación ira a la embajada de Estados Unidos para entregar una carta destinada al Presidente Obama, pidiéndole de cumplir con su palabra y de la liberar a los Cinco. La embajada nos ha informado que es el cónsul que nos recibirá
Sponsor: Comité "Liberté pour les Cinq" - Luxemburgo
Endorsers: Amistad Luxemburgo Cuba, Juventud comunista luxemburguesa, Partido comunista luxemburgues
Wellington, NZ
Sept. 10, 2010 5:30pm
Music, speeches, leaflets
Place: Cubita Cafe, Cnr Taranaki Street and Courtenay Place, Wellington
Sponsor: Wellington Cuba Friendship Society
Endorsers: Latin American Solidarity Committee
Contact: Gillian, +64 4 803 1190
Auckland, NZ
Sept. 10, 2010, 5pm
Picket of the US Consulate
Place: US Consulate, Customs Street, Auckland
Information picket of the US Consulate to demand the freedom of the Five
Sponsor: Auckland Cuba Friendship Society
Endorsers: NZ Latin American Solidarity Committee (LAC)
Contact: Mike Treen, +64 9 9741735
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Septiembre 11-12, 2010
Reunión regional por la Libertad de los Cinco
Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sábado 11 de septiembre, por la mañana: Llegada de los delegados extranjeros y traslado a sus lugares de alojamiento.
Sábado 11 de septiembre, por la tarde: - 15 hs: Concentración en Plaza Italia; - 16 hs: Marcha hacia la Embajada Yanky; - 16: 30 hs: Actividad frente a la Embajada
Sábado 11 de septiembre 21 hs: Actividad cultural para agasajar a los delegados extranjeros.
Domingo 12 de septiembre 10 hs.: Desarrollo del Encuentro Regional en el Anfiteatro de ATE en Buenos Aires.
Domingo 12 de septiembre 14 hs. Almuerzo
Domingo 12 de septiembre por la tarde: Regreso de los delegados extranjeros a sus respectivos países
Lunes 13 de septiembre, a las 11:00 AM: Conferencia de Prensa con Mirtha Rodríguez, madre de Antonio Guerrero héroe cubano y Nuris Piñero, abogada de los familiares de los Cinco Cubanos presos en EE.UU.
Lugar: Embajada de la República de Cuba, Virrey del Pino 1810 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Teléfono para confirmar asistencia: 4782 9049, int. 102
Sponsor: Comité Argentino
Contact: [email protected]
Lima, Peru
Sept. 11, 2010, 3pm
Jornada Mundial de Solidaridad con Los Cinco
Lugar: Desde La Plaza Dos de Mayo hasta el Parque Washington
Sponsor: Comité Peruano de Solidaridad con Los Cinco
Austin, TX
Sept. 11, 2010, 7pm
Mission Against Terror film screening
Location: Monkeywrench Books 110 E. North Loop
Sponsor: ANSWER Coalition Austin
Contact: 512-577-4749, [email protected]
Ottawa, ONT, Canada
Sept. 11, 2010, 3pm
Film and speakers
Location: St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 955 Wingate Drive, Ottawa (Parking at the back of church on Hamlet street)
Presentación de un película sobre los Cinco, oraciones y música
Sponsors: La asociación Québec-Cuba
Contact: 613-733-5993 (general office)
London, UK
Sept. 11, 2010, 12-3pm
Street protest: London says 'Free the Cuban 5!'
Location: Trafalgar Square, North Pavement (in front of the National Gallery)
Street protest with petitions, leaflets and street theatre. Open Microphone for all those in solidarity with Cuba
Sponsors: Rock Around The Blockade
Contact: [email protected]
Manchester, UK
Sept. 11, 2010, 12-3pm
Information stall, leaflets and petitions
Location: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Sponsors: Rock Around The Blockade, Manchester branch
Endorsers: Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Manchester branch
Contact: [email protected], 07519427093
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Sept. 11, 2010, 12-2pm
Street protest
Location: Grey's Monument, Grainger street. Newcastle upon Tyne
Street protest with petitions, leaflets and street theatre. Open Microphone for all those in solidarity with Cuba
Sponsors: Rock Around The Blockade, Newcastle branch, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Newcastle branch
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Vienna, Austria
Sept. 11, 2010, 2-4pm
Mahnwache (Vigil) - FREE the FIVE
Location: Stephansplatz
Sponsors: Komitee-Austria "FREE THE FIVE"
Contact: Brigitte Oftner, [email protected]
Valencia, Spain
Sept. 11, 2010, 18:30pm
Lugar: Frente al Consulado de EEUU en C/ Dr Romagosa, 1, Valencia
Sponsors: Comité Per L'alliberament Dels Cinc Cubans Presos Als Eeuu Del País Valencià
Miami, FL, Sept. 12, 2010, 2:30pm
Conference to demand the Cuban Five's freedom
Location: Embassy Suites (near airport), 3974 NW South River Dr, Miami
Sponsor: Alianza Martiana
Contact: 305-757-3113
Seattle, WA
Sept. 12, 2010, 2pm
Leafleting and collecing petition signatures
Location: Near Pike Place market, (First and Pine), Seattle
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: [email protected]
Seattle, WA
Sept. 12, 2010, 2pm
Leafleting and collecting petition signatures
Location: Near Pike Place market, (First and Pine), Seattle
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: [email protected]
Long Beach, CA, Sept. 12, 2010, 12 noon
Leafleting and collecing petition signatures
Location: Long Beach City College, Pacific Coast Campus, (Cross streets Orange & PCH)
Endorers: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: 213-251-1025
Berlin, Germany
Sept. 12, 2010, 12 to 2pm
Public education
Location: In front of the "Brandenburger Tor", near US Embassy, Berlin
Educating passing by people we will have transparent, Cuban flags, a stand with flyers, brochures, leaflets etc.; music, microphones, sound output transformer
Sponsor: German Committee to free the Cuban Five ¡Basta ya!
Endorsers: Cuba Sí, Berlin and Cuba Friendship Association, Berlin
Contact:, [email protected]
Toronto, ONT, Canada
Sept. 12, 2010, 11am
12 Years of Injustice - Free the Cuban Five
Location: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Main Auditorium, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto (St. George subway station)
Admission free
Program featuring: Relatives of the Cuban Five, Puerto Rican independence leader Rafael Cancel Miranda, Cuban Five attorney Leonard Weinglass, and cultural performances by Poetic Voices/Voces Poéticas and Zuviri
Sponsor: Toronto Forum on Cuba
Endorers: Latin America Solidarity Network (LASN)
Contact: [email protected],
Madrid, Spain
Sept. 12, 2010, 12 noon
Concentración por los Cinco
Location: Embajada de los EEUU (C/ Serrano,75)
Sponsor: Comité de Madrid por la liberación de los Cinco cubanos presos en EEUU por luchar contra el terrorismo
Contact: [email protected]
Perth, Australia
Sept. 12, 2010, 12:30pm
Picket Action
Location: Wesley Church grounds, cny Hay and William Street Perth
The Australia Cuba Friendship Society in Western Australia will have a picket on the 12th September to mark the unjust incarceration and for the freedom of the Five and to distribute fliers to raise awareness of the case.
Sponsor: Australia Cuba Friendship Society, Perth Branch
Contact: Vinnie on 0419812872 or Elizabeth 0421113343
Christchurch, NZ
Sept. 12, 2010, 12:30pm
Protest Rally
Location: Victoria Square
Peaceful protest rally calling for the Five's freedom
Sponsor: Christchurch Cuba Friendship Society
Endorsers: NZ Latin American Solidarity Committee (LAC)
Contact: Warren: [email protected]
Beirut, Lebanon
Sept. 12, 2010, 12 noon
March and Protest
Location: Frente a la Embajada de Estados Unidos al Este de Beirut
Sponsor: Comité Libanés de Solidaridad por la Liberación de los Cinco Héroes Cubanos
Brussels, Belgium
Sept. 12, 2010, 11am to 6pm
Concert for the Five and U.S. Embassy Protest
Location: Poelaertplaats, in front of the Palace of Justice
Between 11h and 16h, 10 personalities of the unions, politics and culture will be locked up simbolically in prison to attract the attention of the public opinion. Their slogan is: 'The Five are as innocent as we are". Between 14h and 16h seven wel-known Belgian singers will join them with an open air concert in solidarity with the Cuban Five. After that we will go to the US embassy to organize a protest there and hand over a letter with our demands, directed to President Obama.
Sponsor: The Belgian Free-the-Five-committee. The action is supported by 60 organizations and personalities
Contact: [email protected]
San Francisco, CA
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Location: Powell and Market Sts., San Francisco
Sponsor: National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Endorers: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, FMLN Bay Area, Marin Task Force on the Americas
Contact: 415-821-6545, [email protected]
New York, NY
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Location: One Federal Plaza, New York City
Sponsor: ANSWER Coalition and July 26 Coalition
Contact: 212-694-8720
Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Sept. 13, 2010, 8am to 6pm
Vigil, Press Conference, and Protest
11am-12pm: Press Conference
5pm-6pm: Protest Action
Location: U.S. Consulate, 1075 W. Pender Street (Downtown Vancouver, Canada)
The Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver invites you to participate in a daylong vigil on Monday, September 13th, in front of the U.S. Consulate. Throughout the vigil there will be live music, poetry, art exhibits, information table, protest and much more to honor the 5 and demand: FREE THE 5 CUBAN HEROES NOW!
Sponsor: Free the Cuban 5 Committee-Vancouver
Contact: 604-719-6947, [email protected],
Washington, DC
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Location: Broadcasting Board of Governors HQ, 330 Independence Ave SW (between 3rd and 4th Sts.) Metro to Federal Center SW (blue/orange)
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Contact: 202-265-0333, [email protected]
Los Angeles, CA
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Location: MacArthur Park (corner of Wilshire & Alvarado), Los Angeles (at the Metro Red Line stop)
Sponsor: National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Endorers: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: 213-251-1025
Chicago, IL
Sept. 13, 2010, 4:30pm
Picket and Mass Leafletting
Location: Federal Plaza (Adams & Dearborn), Chicago
Sponsor: ANSWER Chicago
Contact: 773-463-0311
Minneapolis, MN
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Picket and Mass Leafletting
Location: Downtown Minneapolis (details to come)
Sponsor: Minnesota Cuba Committee
Contact: 612-354-7463
Albuquerque, NM
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Location: In front of University of New Mexico, Central and Harvard Sts.
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: 505-268-2488, [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA
Sept. 13, 2010, 5pm
Leafleting and collecting petition signatures
Location: 15th & Market, across from City Hall at SEPTA entrance
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: [email protected], 267-275-8008
Boston, MA
Sept. 13, 2010,
Street Action
Sponsor: A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
Contact: 857-334-5084, [email protected]
Sri Lanka
Sept. 13, 2010,
Newspaper Ad
Details: On the occasion of the 12th Anniversary of the five heroes, a full-page advertisement will be published in the - "Daily News" - the most widely circulated daily news paper in Sri Lanka
Sponsor: Sri Lanka - Cuba Friendship Society, Sri Lanka National Committee for Solidarity with Cuba, Sri Lanka Lawyers for Solidarity with Cuba, Association of the Parents of the Students Studying in Cuba, Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Peoples' United Front, National Freedom Front,Peoples' Liberation Front, Lanka Sama Samaja Party ( Socialist Party)
Milwaukee, WI
Sept. 14, 2010, 7pm
Program: Who are political prisoners?
Location: Central United Methodist Church, 639 N. 25th St., Milwaukee
Price: Free and open to the public
A showing of "The Day Diplomacy Died," a Cuban/Irish documentary on the U.S. government's involvement with dissidents in Cuba, including "political prisoners" being released by the Cuban government based on discussions with the Catholic Church. The screening will be accompanied by an open discussion on "political prisoners" in different contexts. The program will feature an update on the Cuban Five.
Sponsor: Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba
Contact:, 273-1040, ext. 12
Beirut, Lebanon
Oct. 1, 2010, 3:00pm
Foro de Solidaridad con la Revolución Cubana
Foro de Solidaridad con la Revolución Cubana bajo el lema: "Libertad inmediata para los Cinco Antiterroristas Cubanos de las cárceles de Estados Unidos". Participará en el Foro una delegación cubana en representación de los familiares de los Cinco Héroes, y entre los temas abordados en los debates del evento figurarán: 1) El vinculo existente entre el Bloqueo y la Causa de los Cinco. 2) El arresto arbitrario y la detención ilegal de los Cinco, venganza expresa contra el pueblo cubano porque se ha aferrado a su soberanía. 3) El accionar del Movimiento Internacional por la Liberación de los Cinco. 4) Razones de la vigencia del ejemplo victorioso de la Revolución Cubana y la actitud de la juventud hacia causas nacionales como la causa de los Cinco. A las 6.30 PM se efectuará en la plaza del Palacio de la UNESCO en Beirut, el "Concierto Juvenil por la Libertad de los Cinco", que estará a cargo de grupos artísticos cubanos, libaneses y palestinos.
Sponsor: Comité Libanés de Solidaridad por la Liberación de los Cinco Héroes Cubanos
Rome, Italy
Oct. 17, 2010, 7pm
Program: Los Cinco: una injusticia ignorata
Date: Sunday, Oct. 17
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Auditorium, Rome
Admission: Free
List of Speakers:
Ken Loach (Director; G.B) mensaje.
Frei Betto (teologo y escritor; Brasil)
GianniVattimo (filosofo; Italia)
Wayne Smith ex diplomatico USA a La Habana.
Gianni Minà periodista
Rosa Aurora Freijanes Coca esposa de Fernando
Mariana Chirino Saavedra Asesora del presidente Alarcon
Proiection de Video mensaje de Alarcon y del Comite Norteamericano por la liberacion de los Cinco.
Omenaje musical de la trovadora cubana Renata Mezenov y del pianista cubano Marcos Madrigal y de la soprana Ileana Jimenez.
Saludos a todos los que han partecipado a la campaña “ Yo estoy con los Cinco y tu? “
Conducción de la iniciativa: Gianni Minà
Está además prevista la participación de algunos testimonial de la campaña de sensibilización sobre el caso de los Cinco promovida por el Circulo de Roma de la Asociación Italia Cuba, “Yo con los Cinco, y tu?”. Dario Fo, Franca Rame, Salim Lamrani, entre otros.
Está garantizada la presencia de traductores simultaneos para la conferencia
Sponsor: Italia-Cuba circulo de Roma
Contact: [email protected]